Terrorists? Who?

By definition, a terrorist is a person who does acts to inflict terror in the minds of other people.  


By that definition, the people who have entered the hotels in Mumbai are not terrorists, because their limit to terrorize was within the four walls of these buildings full of unarmed people. The REAL terrorists are the 24 hour news-channels who are carrying their message of terror to the whole world. The TV journalists truly are very brave people, but with a misplaced sense of bravery. The people firing on unarmed people truly are cowards. Why shouldn’t the media rephrase them as COWARDS and themselves as TERRORISTS? The minds of people killed by these so called Terrorists, can’t be inflicted with terror anymore. It’s the so-called Journalists who are inflicting the real terror now.


Why shouldn’t there be legislation to ban video coverage of any acts of ‘Cowardice’ like the one in Mumbai? Even if that means compromising little bit on civil liberties, which in any case are compromised.


Not only have the news channels inflicted terror upon the world by their coverage, they have given lessons in strategy to the bosses of the ‘cowards’ sitting across the border to plan their next attack better.



I am completely amazed with this technology. This works almost like a time machine so far as your websites are concerned. I could see our first website, and the way it has evolved over the years. If you are a history buff, or at least your history, check this out.


And don’t ask me how big is their server!!

Positively Positive

For the first time ever, I could see an attempt to do what The Positive Herald (name of my dream newspaper I wrote last month) would do when it takes birth.


In the times of gloom, The Times of India has taken a different approach. When everybody else highlighted the number jobs being cut, the TOI decided to put on today’s headlines the number of jobs being created by many different companies. It made a good and happy read. Though, I am not at all on a lookout for a new job, it made my morning on a positive note.


And, let me add. My company is on a hiring spree!!

Raj Thackarey!!

I steadfastly refuse to clog the internet with chain emails. So here I am with the contents of one of them. Really good, but an excercise in futility. Raj boy is too thick skinned to get touched even remotely by we netizens. He needs and deserves some real toughs who could probably unburden Indians off him.

Here’s wishing all the best to Raj Boy :

We all should support Raj Thackeray and take his initiative ahead by doing more…

1. We should teach our kids that if he is second in class, don’t study harder.. just beat up the student coming first and throw him out of the school
2. Parliament should have only Delhiites as it is located in Delhi
3. Prime-minister, President and all other leaders should only be from Delhi
4. No Hindi movie should be made in Bombay. Only Marathi.
5. At every state border, buses, trains, flights should be stopped and staff changed to local men
6. All Maharashtrians working abroad or in other states should be sent back as they are SNATCHING employment from Locals
7. Lord Shiva, Ganesha and Parvati should not be worshiped in our state as they belong to north (Himalayas)

8. Visits to Taj Mahal should be restricted to people from UP only
9. Relief for farmers in Maharashtra should not come from centre because that is the money collected as Tax from whole of India, so why should it be given to someone in Maharashtra?

10. Let’s support kashmiri Militants because they are right in killing and injuring innocent people for benifit of there state and community… …

11. Let’s throw all MNCs out of Maharashtra, why should they earn from us? We will open our own Maharashtra Microsoft, MH Pepsi and MH Marutis of the world .

12. Let’s stop using cellphones, emails, TV, foreign Movies and dramas. James Bond should speak Marathi
13. We should be ready to die hungry or buy food at 10 times higher price but should not accept imports from other states
14. We should not allow any industry to be setup in Maharashtra because all machinery comes from outside
15. We should STOP using local trains… Trains are not manufactured by Marathi manoos and Railway Minister is a Bihari
16. Ensure that all our children are born, grow, live and die without ever stepping out of Maharashtra, then they will become true Marathi’s

This should somehow reach Raj Thackrey